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Noise Hours and Limits


  • When are noisey hours vs quiet hours

  • Where to file a noise complaint

  • What are the noise limits for each zone

  • What are the exceptions to the noise limits

  • What are the penalties for breaking the noise ordinance

  • And more!

playing the drums on the street in the city

Noise Times in Baltimore City:

Noisy hours in Baltimore city are generally 7am-9pm Monday-Friday (except holidays) or 10am-10pm on weekends and legal holidays.




Baltimore City Noise Limits

(The Baltimore City Noise Ordinance has different rules for different Zones.)


Residential limits:


  • 55 dB at any point on the property line between two residential properties

  • 61 dB at any point on the property line that separates a residential zone and manufacturing zone

  • 58 dB at any point on the property line that separates a residential and commercial zone



Commercial Limits:


  • 61 dB at any point on the property line between two commercial properties

  • 64 dB at any point on the property line between a commercial zone and manufacturing zone

  • 58 dB at any point on the property line between a commercial zone and residential zone



Manufacturing limits:


  • 75 dB at any point on the property line between two manufacturing properties

  • 70 dB at any point on the property line between a manufacturing zone and commercial zone

  • 70 dB at any point on the property line between a manufacturing zone and residential zone

    1. With that being said, a property in a commercial zone would be allowed to make noise at the same property line than a residential property on the opposite side of the same line.



Night Time Reductions: During the hours of 9pm-7am the maximum noise limits are generally reduced by 5 db


Exceptions to Maximum Allowable Limits

(There are some exception to the maximum limits that don't require a permit)


Short Louder Sounds (You can be a little louder as long as its not for too long):


  • 5 dB louder than the normal maximum for 12 minutes or less

  • 10 dB louder than the normal maximum for 3 minutes or less

  • 15 dB louder than the normal maximum for 30 seconds or less



Home Activities


  • Noise from noncommercial vehicle repairs, home workshops, garden equipment (lawn mowers)

  • It is okay to be louder than the normal limits 7am-9pm Monday-Friday (except holidays)

  • It is okay to be louder than the normal limits 10am-10pm on weekends and legal holidays.

  • These would only apply to a residential zone





  • Air conditioners can be up to 70 dB measured at the property line

  • Heat pumps can be up to 75 dB measured at the property line

  • With that being said, a residential property could make more noise than a commercial property along their shared property line, as long as the sound is coming from the resident's air conditioner or heat pump



How Loud Really Is That?

Decible (dB) is a measurement of sound, the higher the decibel, the louder the sound.



10 db - Ticking Watch/Breathing

30 dB - Leaves Rustling/Whisper

30 dB - Whisper

40 dB - Home Refrigerator/Water Fountain

50 dB - Moderate Rainfall

60 dB - Inside Voice/Regular Talking

70 dB - Car Driving

75 dB - Lawnmower (from inside the house)

80 dB - Alarm Clock

85 dB - Food Blender

90 dB - Lawnmower (from outside the house

95 dB - Jack Hammer

100 dB - Helicopter


**Nerd Fact: if you are wondering why a firework seems like it would be louder than twice as loud as a lawn mower: Decibles are measured on a logarithmic scale. so…


  • 10 dB is 10x louder than 0 dB,

  • 20 dB is 100X louder than 0 dB

  • 30 db is 1000X louder than 0 dB

  • and so on…



Baltimore City Fines and Penalties for Noise Violations:

(every day is a separate offense)


Non Entertainment Noise:


  • Civil Damages: Up to $1000 fine per day if a person fails to comply with a notice/citation.

  • Private Actions: Any person may sue any person who is in violation of a noise control requirement.



Entertainment Noise:


  • Entertainment Noise Civil Damages - Entertainment Noise: Up to $500 fine and imprisonment for up to 30 days for each offense

  • Entertainment Noise Civil Damages - Parent of Minors: $100 fine for each offense

  • Out Crying (noisy solicitation) - Up to $1000 fine for each offense

  • Commercial Noise - Loudspeakers - up to $1000 fine and imprisonment for up to 60 days



Department Contact Information:

Baltimore City Health Department

1001 E. Fayette Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Hours: 8:30pm-4:30pm Monday-Friday (excluding holidays)

Phone: 410-396-4427

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