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Change of Contractor on an Existing Permit


  • When would you need to change the contractor on your permit

  • What documents are required to change the contractor on a permit

  • How to change the contractor on a permit

  • How much does it cost to change the contractor on a permit

  • And more!

When is this required? If you decide to fire the contractor whose license number was used to acquire the original permit, you must update the contractor’s information in Baltimore City’s database.

Criteria for Approval: Must have an existing expired building permit (or active)


Required Supporting Documents: None required



  1. To add or change a contractor, the charge is $25 per application.


How to Apply:

  1. Make an account on epermits:

  2. Log onto your account:

  3. Click “add application” & Acknowledge the statement

  4. For the permit category, select: “Permit extension/Change(or Add) contractor (requires original permit number)”

  5. Continue to complete the project information page as if you are re-applying for the same exact permit and click continue.

  6. On the “Step 1” page, enter the property address, and enter the original permit number, click the verify button for both, and then click next.

  7. On the “Step 2” page, select “Change Contractor”, and then click next

  8. Complete the “Step 3” page by adding your contractor, then click submit


Approval Timeline:

About 1-2 business days. (sometimes within hours of submission)


Department Contact Info:

Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development

Phone: 443-984-1809



Additional Information:

  1. You can not fire your engineer or architect mid-project while still using their plans. Although you have paid for the plans to be generated, the engineer or architect, they still retain ownership over the rights to the plans. Alternatively, you can not use their plans or details on future projects without their permission.

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